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EP-NT-GrcNm1Chris-Prayer Sash-Gold

EP-NT-GrcNm1Chris-Prayer Sash-Gold
EP-NT-GrcNm1Chris-Prayer Sash-Gold
SKU#: PROD67800
Price: $25.00

This set of two Grace sashes express the good news of his arrival and his earthly ministry and miraculous life on the earth.  Grace Sash 1:  Lamb of God - Beginning with the "Lamb of God" referenced in John 1:29, this sash contain a total of 15 New Testament references to Grace names and/or titles of the earth born Christ.  Grace Sash 2:  Way, Truth, Life - Beginning with the "Way Truth Life" referenced in John 14:6, this sash contain a total of 15 New Testament references to Grace names and/or titles of Christ.

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Management Group of America, Online Retailer, Durham, NC

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